
Simple crypto payment for your business.

Connect our service to your project and receive cryptocurrency payments worldwide.

ApiForCrypto crypto processing
0% fee crypto processing

No Fees

Only with us! No fees for incoming and outgoing payments. 

We charge a fixed fee for each issued invoice that reaches either a 'paid' or 'partially paid' status.

Complete Security for your funds and Confidentiality for your business.

Only with us! The seed phrase is provided to the customer, giving your complete control over all accounts. You can instantly withdraw received funds using any convenient application.

We do not control or have access to your funds; we only notify you of incoming payments to your address. Therefore, we do not require any information from you.

Complete Security for Your Funds. The seed phrase is provided to the customer, giving them complete control over all accounts. They can instantly withdraw received funds using any convenient application.
Simple crypto payment for your business

The most popular cryptocurrency and tokens ready to use

The platform supports a wide range of popular cryptocurrency and their respective tokens. You can also Issue invoices by using your own token.

TRON ApiForCrypto
Litecoin ApiForCrypto
DOGE ApiForCrypto
Ethereum ApiForCrypto
USDT ApiForCrypto
BNB ApiForCrypto
Litecoin ApiForCrypto
DOGE ApiForCrypto
Ethereum ApiForCrypto
USDT ApiForCrypto
BNB ApiForCrypto
DOGE ApiForCrypto
Ethereum ApiForCrypto
USDT ApiForCrypto


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